Baggy jean jackets take me all the way back to the 90’s. Ahh, the 90’s… when everything seemed so simple. Anything “90’s- inspired” just puts me in a good mood. I love wearing outfits that represent the 90’s street style while adding my own little twist.
I wore my little black dress from Asos. The material is stretchy but firm, which I really like. Asos has so many great versions of this dress. You really can’t go wrong with a good black slip. It’s pretty much timeless. I threw on my Vans that I purchased from the Vans outlet at Vaughan Mills. Like I said, the mesh detailing on the shoe is what made me fall in love.
Lastly… of course I stole Vith’s Levi’s jean jacket! I don’t know about you, but I love shopping in the men’s section. If you have a man in your life (dad, grandpa, brother, boyfriend, bestfriend, etc) I highly recommend that you “borrow” their clothes. Feel free to blame me!!
I went with a high messy pony tail for this look. The reason behind that isn’t anything complicated. My hair doesn’t like to listen to me when I actually have to go out. Can you relate with that? Let me know… either comment below or message me!
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