It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining, and we were driving by this deserted area. My first instinct of course was to take a picture! I went and stood amidst the grass. After a couple minutes, I looked at the pictures that @whatsyouradventure had taken. Yes my highlight was on fleek, yes the lighting was blessed, but what really caught my eye was the amount of garbage that was littered all around me.
Now I was never big on any of this stuff but I guess this was kind of an eye opening experience lol. We ended up going back the next day with gloves and a garbage bag and attempted to pick some stuff up. I mean, we tried our best but as a humans occupying this planet… WE ALL really need to get our shit together. We are totally killing out beautiful home. This needs to stop!
This post was supposed to be about loving yourself no matter what and wearing what YOU’D like to wear. Want to show off some boobage? Go ahead. Want to cover yourself head to toe? Go ahead. As I like to say: “F*ck what others think.” It’s easy to get side tracked by drama or sh*t-talkers but… try your best to not let it phase you. Remember, you are the best you’ll ever have and you have to treat yourself right!
I decided to show off my belly on this day because well, I felt like it. I wore a cropped hoodie from H&M. My bubble vest is from TNA. It is actually pretty warm when it is zipped up. Such a great investment piece! My tapered sweats are from H&M also and my Jordan ie 11s are from Champs. I work out in these shoes, they are very comfortable. They also have a mesh lining, which makes them quite breathable.
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Anyways, love you guys. Hope you have an amazing day.
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